


Year 2024

Donations and Gift Aid 273,849
Charitable Projects funded 263,115
Fundraising events & governance 781
Sub Total Outflow 263,896
Net Income 9,953
Funds brought forward 110,156
Total funds carried forward 120,109
Gift aid to be claimed 32,283
Held at bank 87,826

Year 2023

Donations and Gift Aid 153,462
Charitable Projects funded 123,617
Fundraising events & governance 628
Sub Total Outflow 124,245
Net Income 29,217
Funds brought forward 80,939
Total funds carried forward 110,156
Gift aid to be claimed 31,859
Held at bank 78,297

Year 2022

Donations and Gift Aid 134,928
Charitable Projects funded 104,701
Fundraising events & governance 378
Sub Total Outflow 105,079
Net Income(outflow) 29,849
Funds brought forward 51,090
Held at bank 80,939

Year 2021

Donations and Gift Aid 163,815
Donations Building Blocks 4,560
Donations Kickstart 1,350
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 169,725
Charitable projects funded 148,458
Fundraising events & governance 344
Sub Total Outflow 148,802
Net Income(outflow) 20,923
Funds brought forward 30,167
Held at bank 51,090

Year 2020

Donations and Gift Aid 40,781
Donations Building Blocks 543
Donations Kickstart 5,779
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 47,103
Charitable projects funded 51,862
Fundraising events & governance 371
Sub Total Outflow 52,233
Net Income(outflow) -5,130
Funds brought forward 35,297
Held at bank 30,167

Year 2019

Donations and Gift Aid 36,224
Donations Building Blocks 590
Donations Kickstart 16,307
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 53,121
Charitable projects funded 60,062
Fundraising events & governance 304
Sub Total Outflow 60,366
Net Income(outflow) -7,245
Funds brought forward 42,542
Held at bank 35,297

Year 2018

Donations and Gift Aid 41,879
Donations Building Blocks 16,576
Donations Kickstart 9,000
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 67,455
Charitable projects funded 68,256
Fundraising events & governance 957
Sub Total Outflow 69,213
Net Income(outflow) -1,758
Funds brought forward 44,300
Held at bank 42,542

Year 2017

Donations and Gift Aid 25,774
Donations Building Blocks 30,425
Donations Kickstart 4,255
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 60,454
Charitable projects funded 69,166
Fundraising events & governance 22,823
Sub Total Outflow 91,989
Net Income(outflow) -31,971
Funds brought forward 76,271
Held at bank 44,300

Year 2016

Donations and Gift Aid 66,237
Donations Building Blocks 22,081
Donations Kickstart 6,377
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 94,695
Charitable projects funded 74,601
Fundraising events & governance 6,467
Sub Total Outflow 81,068
Net Income(outflow) 13,627
Funds brought forward 62,644
Held at bank 76,271

Year 2015

Donations and Gift Aid 1,22,505
Donations Building Blocks 24,453
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 1,46,958
Charitable projects funded 1,36,811
Fundraising events & governance 9,976
Sub Total Outflow 1,46,787
Net Income(outflow) 171
Funds brought forward 62,473
Held at bank 62,644

Year 2014

Donations and Gift Aid 3,00,129
Donations Building Blocks 35,837
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 3,35,966
Charitable projects funded 2,87,621
Fundraising events & governance 18,824
Sub Total Outflow 3,06,445
Net Income(outflow) 29,521
Funds brought forward 32,953
Held at bank 62,473

Year 2013

Donations and Gift Aid 2,44,522
Donations Building Blocks 11,150
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 2,55,672
Charitable projects funded 2,30,087
Fundraising events & governance 7,302
Sub Total Outflow 2,37,389
Net Income(outflow) 18,283
Funds brought forward 14,669
Held at bank 32,952

Year 2012

Donations and Gift Aid 1,14,063
Donations Building Blocks
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 1,14,063
Charitable projects funded 1,11,783
Fundraising events & governance 284
Sub Total Outflow 1,12,067
Net Income(outflow) 1,996
Funds brought forward 12,673
Held at bank 14,669

Year 2011

Donations and Gift Aid 1,21,110
Donations Building Blocks
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 1,21,110
Charitable projects funded 1,23,172
Fundraising events & governance 257
Sub Total Outflow 1,23,429
Net Income(outflow) -2,319
Funds brought forward 15,002
Held at bank 12,683

Year 2010

Donations and Gift Aid 18,010
Donations Building Blocks
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 18,010
Charitable projects funded 5,894
Fundraising events & governance 106
Sub Total Outflow 6,000
Net Income(outflow) 12,010
Funds brought forward 2,992
Held at bank 15,002

Year 2009

Donations and Gift Aid 711
Donations Building Blocks
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 711
Charitable projects funded
Fundraising events & governance 76
Sub Total Outflow 76
Net Income(outflow) 635
Funds brought forward 2,357
Held at bank 2,992

Year 2008

Donations and Gift Aid 5,553
Donations Building Blocks
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 5,553
Charitable projects funded 4,500
Fundraising events & governance 376
Sub Total Outflow 4,879
Net Income(outflow) 674
Funds brought forward 1,683
Held at bank 2,357

Year 2007

Donations and Gift Aid 3,610
Donations Building Blocks
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 3,610
Charitable projects funded 21,053
Fundraising events & governance 1,903
Sub Total Outflow 22,956
Net Income(outflow) -19,346
Funds brought forward 21,029
Held at bank 1,683

Year 2006

Donations and Gift Aid 21,063
Donations Building Blocks
Donations Kickstart
Sub Total Incoming Resoucres 21,063
Charitable projects funded
Fundraising events & governance 34
Sub Total Outflow 34
Net Income(outflow) 21,029
Funds brought forward
Held at bank 21,029