Our Pledge

We will maintain 100% Transparency, deliver our projects at 0% Administration...

Our Background

In the days following the Tsunami, many organizations and individuals...

House of Care

House of Care goals are to provide special education and training to children...

What we do

We endeavor to encourage the work of all aid agencies whose primary role is to deliver aid and humanitarian supplies to those who are in dire need.
Contribute Now: HSBC Bank Plc, Account 71352288,
Sort Code 40 – 03 – 01

In the days following the Tsunami, many organizations and individuals approached Tamil professionals and businesses, to contribute monies solely to the people in the north and east of Sri Lanka. At the moment there was no dedicated charity in the UK to do this.

Integrity Guaranteed

All financial transactions will be closely monitored by a minimum of two trustees on each payment being made by the Charity. Annual accounts will be published in the website.



All monies raised, whether it be fund raising, individual donations or lobbying other organizations, will be dedicated purely to help the people we AID.



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